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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bag Lady

Charity has found this shopping cart given to us by Miss Emily F. She Absolutely has to have it everywhere she walks. She goes around and hoards toys in it. When she wants to go up or down stairs she stands at the top/bottom and cries and yells "Elp ME!" which of course, means "help me". If anyone touches it or any toys in it she screams. If it gets stuck and cannot roll past an item she gets upset and cries and yells "Duck", which means "stuck". We have to pry it out of her hands if we want to leave the house. This has been going on for about 2 days, now. 
I just kept watching her today and thinking how much she resembled a bag lady. If the other girls start playing, she goes over there and starts picking through their toys and adding them to her cart. I just found it really funny.

Evidently you need to practice sleeping in a cardboard box as well. Not just any cardboard box, but the one that has already been duct tape reinforced. 
I died laughing. 

You know what they say, a cardboard box is the best gift you can give your kids. This particular box is in a set of boxes that the girls use as doll beds. They line them with pillows and blankets and put the dolls to sleep. I had to give them their own set of boxes because they kept dumping out the boxes that were holding stuff in their closet to use those as beds.


Blogger Natalie Mette Bory said...

I like that she's learning from an early age that you can do A LOT with a little.

September 20, 2009 at 10:18 AM  

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