Life is free entertainment

An account of our lives in all it's Glory!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Honda Elite Video

This video is classic! For those of you who are not familiar with it, here is the backstory:
For almost 3 years, we lived in California, which was GREAT, but it was a little over 2,000 miles from all of our family. We moved when our second daughter was less than 2 weeks old. Since we lived on a very limited income, we were only able to visit home about once a year. In the meantime, we taped little videos to send home to our parents so they could see how we were doing and kind of watch the grandkids grow up. It worked great in the beginning, but then the kids became little divas and I was not able to get any good footage of them.

Anyway, this is Michael's portion of the video from Dec. 2005. We had just purchased this scooter for him to drive to and from work. He had a 10 mile commute that took between 20-30 minutes depending on traffic. We had only one vehicle. The drive, surprisingly did not involve any highways, so the highest the speed limit ever reached was 50 mph. We calculated how much this scooter would save us in gas and decided it would pay for itself very quickly and give us the flexibility of being a 2 vehicle family. We made the purchase. (on craigslist, of course). It was so small that it did not require a motorcycle license and it got 80 mpg. It was ridiculously funny, but Michael had a blast driving it.It actually saved us a couple of times, like when our transmission went out in our car and the scooter became our primary vehicle for a couple of weeks.

This video is a prime example of Michael's self-deprecating humor. 

The second thing to mention about the video is Michael's weight.  People saw it and said, "Michelle lost her baby weight!" He saw this and immediately went on a diet and dropped 60 pounds!


Anonymous Stacia Mette said...

a video only a mother could love . . .

September 22, 2009 at 9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Googley Woogley! I had no idea that mJm was such an accomplished actor and motorcycle expert. The camera work is award winning. Did you all notice the Hollywood stop on the exciting road tour? Action packed, informative, and life altering! Good Bless mJm and his production crew. Wow! Sgt. G. Brys, WCPD Retired, PS your citation is in the mail.

September 22, 2009 at 9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when you showed this to Lifeteen. What a crack up!!!!! Great memories, Marianne

September 22, 2009 at 11:30 AM  

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