Life is free entertainment

An account of our lives in all it's Glory!

Monday, September 21, 2009

A last minute trip to Virginia

So, we got word that Michael's sister and her husband, Natalie and Steve, would be returning from Africa THIS Fall instead of next year around this time. This is exciting news for our end. I am sure that it was stressful for them to make the decision to cut their tour short, but we were be more than happy to see them. Originally they said that their goal was to be home about the middle of Sept, sometime after their one year anniversary with with Peace Corps. Everyone was stoked! Steve's brother booked flights to come home and see them. Everyone who had plans to travel to Africa halted them. Bob and Stacy used that money to book a all-inclusive trip to Jamaica. We all make plans to drop everything as soon as we get their flight schedule and drop everything to go to Washington, D.C. for a couple of days after meeting them at the airport. Steve's parents even invited us to stay at their house.

   Then... they  called to say, "we're coming home sooner!" Great, we think. All they were waiting on was a cat carrier to arrive so they could bring their cat home with them. they estimated their date and we knew right away we might have some scheduling conflicts. They book their flight. Yep. Bob and Stacy will be in Jamaica, Nicole has a training at work, it is a MONTH before Steve's brother has already booked tickets. Michael and I thought about the 10 hour drive with 4 small kids, the gas money, the fact that our van just got out of the shop, the fact that no other Mette could go, and the uncertainity if our invitation to stay at the Bory's house was still open... then we decided that it just might be best to wait the 2 weeks when we could ALL be together in the midwest. The Bory's did extend the invitation, but we had already decided. We would wait patiently for Natalie and Steve to come to us.

   Days passed, until it was the day that we would have to leave to get to the airport to greet the couple. Michael got a little impatient. After all, his schedule was pretty clear for next couple of days. He proposed the idea of going anyway. I was 50/50 but he was convinced. He called Nicole and she got excited at the idea. She got brave enough to ask to be excused from her training and was successful. We packed and loaded in the car.

  Now, we had already declined the invitation to the Bory's and they had made plans to pick up the couple from the airport, get them settled in a nice condo, and give them a couple of days to get back into our timezone and used to indoor plumbing. I advised Michael to call and let them know that we were crashing the party. They were dumbfounded. First of all, they could not fathom driving that far with all the kids only to turn around and drive home. Secondly, they were just dumbfounded that we would make plans and then change them for no reason on no notice. They had to call us back. Upon the second call, they filled us in on what their plans had been and let us know that they had not prepared their house for guests or even planned on Natalie and Steve staying there, so they could not extend their offer on such short notice. I really think they thought if they threw up a stumbling block we'd abandon plan. NO WAY... they obviously did not know Michael James Mette.

We started the drive the second that Michael got off work and had Nicole meet us in our hometown so we would not lose anytime driving to her college. The girls slept like a rock. Cecilia did cry a bit, but overall, a great trip. About 5 AM we get a call from Steve's parents demanding that we come and stay with them at their house and that we were NOT to turn around and drive home after the airport. However, that would require another 90 min - 2 hour drive after the airport to get to Colonial Beach. Great! More time to visit, a shower, what more can you ask for? We only stopped for gas, except one 30 min stop at a McDonalds to get some food, change clothes, let the girls play, etc. It became obvious that we were going to be an hour late coming into the airport.

We chugged through, minimizing stops and ALMOST running out of gas in the mountains when the gas all went to the back of the tank. Literally, we only made it because we managed to poke along to the crest of the hill that had a 6% downhill grade for the next 2 miles where we could exit, only to have our van die on the off-ramp. Luckily it started again and we filled up.  We called to tell the Bory's that we were late and prayed that it took a long time to get the cat through customs. We arrived just as Natalie and Steve were loading their luggage into the Bory's vehicle.

We were able to stay a day and a half at the Bory's who were GREAT. Steve's sister was inspired to skip out of work and see her brother. She called her boyfriend and Steve's grandma who both came and joined the festivities.  We had to order Chinese food that first night, since there was not enough food in the house for 14 people (of course) but that was a great plan! Less cooking, more talking. The Bory's  loved our kids and served us wine and food. Their house was on the water, so we got to boat, kayak, and just plain visit. Everyone was sad to leave, but eventually we always have to go back to real life. The ride home was a bit rougher with the kids, but not as rushed, so we made it. Overall, a great memory!


Anonymous denise lopez said...

you guys are awesome!!!

September 21, 2009 at 10:56 AM  
Blogger Mindy said...

Holy cow! What a trip! Glad you had a great time!

September 21, 2009 at 2:14 PM  
Anonymous Kathey said...

this will be one of those trips you can look back on and say " what were we thinking"

September 21, 2009 at 3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it sounds like your had a great time. See Ya, Jennie

September 22, 2009 at 8:21 AM  
Blogger Natalie Mette Bory said...

I really appreciated your spontaneity and the surprise.

September 22, 2009 at 10:01 AM  
Blogger Stephen Bory said...

Yeah. We were definitely surprised! Thanks for coming. It was a great time.

September 22, 2009 at 10:18 AM  

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