Life is free entertainment

An account of our lives in all it's Glory!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Trinity's birthday

Trinity is at a really good age to have a really fun party. I of course can't bring myself to coordinate anything "princess." Michael suggested that we have a "dress" themed party since she is very particular about her fashion. He also contacted a magician that he knew from the youth group and arranged for him to come. So, that was easy enough. I make cake, cook some dinner, and we are done!

We found a frilly dress in Trinity's closet had never been worn before by Trinity, or any of our kids (although Emma might recognize it). I decided that would be great for the party and began plans to make a cake to match it. It was perfect because I had never tried to make a buttercream rose before and this dress had just one flower at the waistband. I got to learn a new skill and be excited about making the cake. The other great thing about it was that it was white, which meant that I did not have to mess with food coloring! I think the cake turned out great.

We figured out right away from our experience at Annie's party that if the magician was going to come at 7, then we were going to be crunched for time to get all the people there and have dinner served. Michael actually called him and told him to come closer to 7:30, which was a good call. The guests began to arrive. My mom even made the drive from our hometown. Each woman and girl wore a fancy dress. The men all dressed up too, one of them even wore a tuxedo! It was great! We served hamburgers on the grill for the adults and I made crockpot mac and cheese for the kids. The mac and cheese was a HIT! All the adults raved about it. I did not even expect them to touch it (although I had plenty).

Just as we were finishing up dinner, the magician came in - perfect timing! He did a great job. There were a couple of times where he could have gotten flustered, but he regrouped and made it work. It was about a 30 min show, which was just about when the kids started to squirm. Unfortunately, about 4 of the children that were invited to the party had to arrive late and missed it, but we could not have pushed it back any further.  We barely had enough time to eat cake, ice cream, and open gifts before it was already 9 PM and most people had to head out to put the kids to bed.

It was a great memory and I by chance got probably my favorite picture of Trinity blowing out the candles on her cake.


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