Life is free entertainment

An account of our lives in all it's Glory!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Halloween 2011

This year Michael picked the theme for the Halloween costumes. We are kind of heavy-handed with the theme. When Michael recommended that the girls dress as nuns, none of them took the bait. Then, we realized that almost all of the nuns that they have met just wore plain clothes. So, we spent a bit of time on google images and they finally agreed that it would be a worthwhile costume.

Michael was also kind enough to set it up so that I did not have to sew the costumes. Annie has been begging to sew. I have little patience for kids helping me with projects and I ALWAYS do sewing after they are all asleep. Michael has a friend from the core team who was willing to invite Annie over each Sunday afternoon and they worked on all the costumes together.

In St. Louis, when you go door to door, you must tell a joke in order to receive candy. Last year it was so adorable to watch Charity, dressed in all feathers, tell the "why did the chicken cross the road" joke. I decided that I would search for some "clean nun jokes". After a couple of hours, I finally found some that were not about nuns getting pregnant.

We had planned on just dressing MJ2 in all black and calling him a priest. The night before I realized that he did not own any black shirts & that target did not have any. I decided the morning of Halloween to make him the little friar's costume. I think it was the cutest of all. So much better than all black.

The next week, the PSR classes did a Saint Discovery day, so the costumes got to double as a Saint costume there. Bonus!