Life is free entertainment

An account of our lives in all it's Glory!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Random updates...

Annie's new favorite song is "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" and she knows how to play it on the ipod downstairs.

Cecilia can be throwing a fit, but if she asks permission to do something and I say "yes" she breaks out into dance singing, "mommy said yes, mommy said yes"

Charity insists that the red sparkly dress with white santa fur on it is the ONLY party dress she owns. I have hidden it in storage and still had to argue about it this morning. She dug out a red and green plaid Christmas dress and agreed that she could wear it today.

If you say, "I don't have _____" Charity will be quick to proclaim "I KNOW!!!!! you can get that for CHRISTMAS!!!" She still does this, even though it is almost April.

I have decided that the house is much quieter when Annie is not home. It's not that Annie us unruly, but she facilitate elaborate "play." Usually this requires everyone to change clothes and the furniture must be re-arranged.

Trinity is far too much like me. If anything happens to her, I instinctively react as if it were ME. She has a tender heart, but is surprisingly TOUGH when it comes to physical pain.


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