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Friday, November 5, 2010

MJM II Baptism

For some reason the planning for the arrival of the new baby got overshadowed by a lot of other things. Quite honestly, after 5 kids, we knew that it did not matter if all the little details were taken care of - the baby would still be born when he was good and ready. (Which as you all know took a while). So, little traditions were finished up later than they were with previous babies. For example the baby CD. When Annie was born, it was complete at the beginning of my pregnancy so that she could listen to it in the womb. MJ's was finished up AFTER my due date had past.

The baptism fell into this category. He was born. We struggled to keep our heads above water for the first month. Then we thought "we need to schedule a Baptism" but first "we need to choose godparents!" That part was easier than expected. Michael and I both had the same couple in mind. We asked them, they were pleased to accept. Next came the scheduling. Michael was booked every Sunday for the next 6 weeks. The baby was already a month old!

We decided that an intimate weekday Baptism at morning Mass might be just what we were looking for. However, I was concerned with asking the godparents and grandparents to take a vacation day for the event. I know that they would agree to do so - but it seemed silly to have them take off work because Michael had to work on Sundays. So, we had the idea of a Labor Day Baptism. Father agreed. It was scheduled.

What I neglected to realize (at least until it was time to do the grocery shopping) was that Labor Day follows a Sunday. Each Sunday Michael works most of the day and then I cook a easy snack/meal for the core team who arrive at 10 PM for some late night social time. This meant that after they left, I would have to re-set the house and wake up early to get the kids all in their Sunday best and prep all the food for a little reception at the house after the Baptism.

Luckily this sounds a lot more daunting than it really was. First off, the reception was breakfast, so I could get away with things that could be made ahead and served cold. Secondly, all the core members were invited to the Baptism, so they were helpful enough to do the dishes and tidy the house before they left. Thirdly, since it was a holiday, Mass was an hour later than usual.


The time arrives... Everyone is dressed. We decided to wear the matching skirts that I made for Easter. Charity's was MIA, but she found a suitable coordinating dress. Mine was maternity-sized and I had only a maternity shirt to wear with it, but it was not too tent-like so it was OK. As we are leaving to walk to church (ahh... the joy of living 4 blocks away and 70 degree Sept weather!) The godparents text to say that their car was not starting and that they were working on it! (they do not have the luxury of living 4 blocks away. it is more like a 20 min drive for them). We head to church and inform the priest.

The priest asked if our family and the Niebrugge family (the godparents) could sit in the front row. I don't think he realized that would be 13 people. We sit in the front. I ask what time it is. Michael states that it is 5 after by his watch. Just then, the priests enter the sanctuary. Just as they make the opening sign of the cross the Niebrugge's walk in the side door. WHEW! They made it. There was plenty of space in the front section, so we spread out between a few rows.

The ceremony was really cute. For Cecilia's Baptism they had the font in the back of church, but they had it moved to the sanctuary for MJ. They asked our whole family to come up with the Godparents. It was then, that I got to look out and see who was actually there. I remember being surprised as I saw people in the congregation. I knew people had RSVP'd, but I guess I just expected to see the regular daily Mass crowd. They were all there, of course, but sprinkled among them were friends and family as well.

Msgr. transposed MJ's name several times, calling him "James Michael" instead of "Michael James." We just smiled. It was clear who he was talking about. He had the girls count how many times he poured water on MJ's head. They answered correctly. MJ cried just a bit at the first drops, but recovered quickly.

I was a bit concerned about the food that I had warming at the house. When we arrived all was fine and we had a nice, little reception at the house. The crowd was a unique mix with everyone casually knowing at least one other person, but no strong group making anyone feel like an outsider. Even Msgr. Meyer made an appearance.  The women spent the time exchanging babies and each trying to help out the other. The men decided to partake some celebratory cigars outside. MJ was as peaceful as could be, never without a set of arms to hold him!


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