Parenting Ah-Ha #1
Those of you who know me, know that I am kind of a "do-er." I was raised by a feminist who taught me how to get stuff done and to be brave enough to try to do it myself, even if it meant learning a new skill. What I am saying is that I am not exactly the kind of girl who waits for a guy to open a door for her, if you know what I mean.
Being very pregnant does not have a lot of perks. Basically one: you know the pregnancy is almost over! Mostly, you are big, tired, and don't really feel like doing a whole lot. However, you don't really have a good excuse to quit work, and there are a lot of things to do at the house before the baby comes, etc. In my opinion, having a newborn baby is WAY easier than being 9 months pregnant. After all, you can set a baby can't exactly take off your pregnant belly.

Then I began to notice a whole set of tasks that people did NOT want to help with. Namely, waking up in the middle of the night or a baby that won't quit crying. I noticed that if the baby dirtied her diaper, people passed her directly to me. I found myself making sacrifices so that my husband could get more sleep since he had to wake up at 6 AM. I found myself spending dinners at a fancy restaurants in the bathroom trying to calm a baby. That is when I decided:
"If I am going to have all the DISADVANTAGES that come with being a mom (accepting them with grace and joy), then I was not going to feel guilty about the ADVANTAGES of being a mom."
Yes, I can get my own drink of water, but if someone else wants to, that is an easy way for them to help. I now smile and accept.
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