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An account of our lives in all it's Glory!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A New Bedtime Distraction

So, I spent the early morning hours teaching Charity the fine art of vomiting in a trash can. She woke up at 4 AM with an upset stomach. Since Trinity and Annie had already been sick this week, I brought in a clean trash can and told her what it was for. She confirmed that throw-up goes in the trash can or in the toilet. Five minutes later, I find that she did not understand quite as clearly as she had hoped.

I put her in the bath to wash her hair as I change her sheets, pillow, and blanket and get her new pajamas. (What she lacked in quantity, she made up in thoroughness). I then re-stated what the trash can was for and laid with her. The next time she was a pro, not a drop outside the trashcan. However, she insisted that she needed a bath. Then she insisted that she needed new sheets and blankets. "No," I explained, "that is the JOY of the trash can! You stay clean."

OK, so the poor girl figured it out. Age 3, pretty good, huh? We nursed her with ice chips for the morning. I tried to convince her of a morning nap (afterall, I did wake up at 4 AM) No takers. We had a lunch of applesauce and bananas. I tried to coax her for an afternoon nap. No luck. Finally at 3:30 after many rounds, she finally slept. She was out like a ROCK. Finally at quarter til 6 she woke up.

I knew this was a problem. Charity is our biggest fighter at bedtime (see above 3 hours to coax her for a nap). I have tried letting her skip the nap and she STILL stays up until 10 PM. So we had quesadillas for dinner and started our way to bed.

I began the negotiations with UNLIMITED "lights on" time as long as there was no fighting. I read both Cecilia and Charity a book to get them settled. Of course it did not work. Soon the whining started:
  "I have to go to the bathroom"
  "I need a drink"
  "I didn't get a hug"
  "I want you to cuddle"
  "Cecilia has my blanket"
  "My bed is not made"
  "I forgot to wash my hands"

and the new one:
  "I have to throw up in a trash can"

Now I settled the fit over the blankets, let Annie go to the bathroom, and cuddled with Charity.
Trinity claims "I'm hot" I told her she could sleep without pajamas, to which she responds, "I'm not hot from my clothes, from my light" Umm.... "OK, turn your light out." She goes to sleep. (Can you tell who my favorite is at bedtime?)

I declare too much bickering and we call lights out for all. Trinity and Cecilia sleep. Annie pretends to be still, but is reading books in her bed. Charity is still causing a ruckus as much as she possibly can.
  "I want to sleep in your bed"
  "My blankets are messed up again"
  "I found the step stool under Cecilia's bed"
  "I still have throw up on my mouth and need ice"

Now, mind you, the last time she was sick was at 4 AM. 18 hours ago. She has had applesauce, bananas, peanut butter crackers, and quesadillas. I told her it was all nonsense and that she needed sleep. It's 10 PM. She gets out of bed and comes in to me insisting that she needs her trashcan. Just as I am about to tell her that she is lying, she decides to prove to me that she is not.

So... after I give her new pajamas, ice chips, a clean trashcan, and an apology, she is finally asleep (but not before I adjust the blankets on her bed).

What's a mom to do?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! You have just proven to me that two kids are really no big deal. Although I have quite a bit of that going on...the bickering, the fighting bedtime, etc. We did flu shots this year, so *fingers crossed* we haven't gotten the throwing up flu. Congrats on not going crazy! -Madonna Broeker

December 9, 2010 at 12:17 AM  
Anonymous Nicole said...

I've learned (primarily through one week with your lovely girls) that when someone says "my tummy hurts" or "there is throw up" that one should always be prepared for the worst. This is not a threat but a fact...vomit is looming in the near future.

December 9, 2010 at 8:43 AM  

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